Allowances and benefits from Work and Income
Find out what financial support you might be able to get from Work and Income.
TheWork and Income website lists all the health and disability benefits available.
They also have an online tool to help you find out what you can get.
There are three ways to find a benefit:
Applying for a benefit or allowance
Work and Income recommend you apply online if you can.
You needto fill in a paper or online form to apply for mostbenefits. TheWork and Income website tells youwhich one to usefor each benefit.
If you can’t print out a form, you can getWork and Incometopostyou one. Or you can visit them to pick up a form.
You canalso have someone help you. This might be a family member, an advocate, or a lawyer.The Work and Income website has lots of information on how to get someone to help you through the application.
Find out how to have someone help you
Go to an appointment
To complete your application for a benefit, you might need to go to an appointment at Work and Income.
To find out if you need to book an appointment use the MyMSD portal through the Work and Income website, or give them a call.
Find out how to make an application or an appointment with Work and Income
Working with a case manager
When you apply for a benefit or payment with Work and Income a case manager will help you.
The case manager will talk with you about your situation and check that you’ve got all the right documents and forms filled out.
They will answer any questions and let you know if there’s anything else you need to do.
If you’re applying for more than one thing, the case manager can work through everything with you in the one appointment.
When do I find out if I get a benefit?
Your case manager can usually tell you the outcome while you're at your appointment, if you gave them all the information they need.
What if I'm deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment?
Work and Income has staff who can help you make appointments, update records, and communicate with your case manager.
Find out how to contact Work and Income if you're Deaf or have hearing or speech impairments
How long can I be on a benefit?
We can't tell you how long you'll be able to get a benefit for. It will depend on your situation and which benefit you're getting. Talk to Work and Income to find out what applies to you.
Get in contact with Work and Income
What if you disagree with Work and Income’s decision?
If you don’t agree with a decision made by a Work and Income staff member, you can challenge it.
These are some examples of decisions you might challenge:
You have been refused a benefit
Your benefit has been cut off
The start date of your benefit
You have three months to review a decision.
Find out how to ask Work and Income to review a decision