Mātauranga Education
Get support and advice for your, or your child's, education.
Learn what support is available for students in early childhood, primary and secondary schools.
In this section
Learning support needs – where to start
Government help is available for children and young people with learning support needs.
Choosing an ECE service, school, or kura
Tips for choosing a school, kura, or education service for a child needing learning support.
Learning support for young children
Help is available for young children with learning support needs.
Learning support at primary and secondary school
Learning support is available for students at schools and kura throughout New Zealand.
Leaving secondary school (transition)
Leaving school is a major life change. Access information about transition support.
Learning support after leaving school
Find out what learning support is available for further study or training after you leave school.
University Student Disability Services
Find spaces at universities that strive to create an inclusive culture where disabled people feel valued and supported.
Starting School
Starting school can be an exciting time but can also create some worry. Here's what you need to know.