Needs assessments for government funded support (NASC)
If you or someone you care for needs support because of a disability, you can ask for government help.
If you or someone you care for needs support because of a disability, you could be eligible for government funding support.
To ensure the support you get is appropriate for you needs and that you fit the funding criteria, you’ll first need to meet with the Needs Assessment and Service Coordination service.
They are called NASCs for short. Their job is to support eligible New Zealanders identify and apply for disability supports. This could include residential care, equipment, modifications to your home or vehicle and other consideration. They can also help you find other supports in your community.
Needs assessments are free and government funded through Disability Support Services (DSS).
Who can get a needs assessment?
You must meet DSS criteria for funding. Your NASC can help you work this out.
All applicants
You must be a New Zealand citizen who is eligible for government funded health and disability services.
Access the guide to eligibility for publicly funded health services
Disabled children and adults under 65 years
You must also meet the Disability Support Services definition of an eligible disabled person.
Find out if you're eligible for Disability Support Services-funding
Older people 65 years and over
You must also meet the Ministry’s definition of an eligible older person.
Access information about older peoples NASC services
For people with mental health needs
You must also meet the Ministry’s definition of an eligible person for mental health services.
Access information about mental health NASC services
How to get a needs assessment
Step 1
Choose the region you live in. Then find the right NASC:
NASC – Disability – Children & Adults (under 65)
NASC – Mental Health
NASC - Older Persons’ Services (65 and over)
Step 2
Get a copy of the NASC’s referral form.
Ask the NASC to send you a referral form.
Or go to the NASC’s website to download a form, if available.
Step 3
Complete the referral form. Return it to the NASC.
Anyone can complete the form, with your permission.
You could ask a family member, a friend, your doctor or practice nurse, or a person at a disability support service or disability information centre.
You’ll need to provide these documents:
A letter or report that confirms your disability or condition. For example, from a doctor (GP), medical specialist, paediatrician or psychologist.
Any court papers to do with guardianship or Enduring Power of Attorney, if someone is acting on your behalf.
Step 4
The NASC should contact you within a few days of getting your referral form.
More about NASCs and needs assessments
Visit the Disability Support Services's website to learn about what's involved in a needs assessment.
Find out more about Needs Assessment and Service Coordination services