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What is disability?

New to the world of disability in Aotearoa New Zealand? We can help.

Disability is a really broad term with lots of definitions.

It covers various conditions, like physical, sensory, cognitive, or mental challenges, which can make everyday activities and living an 'everyday life' a bit more complicated.

Disabilities come in all shapes and sizes, from temporary ones, like a broken leg, to lifelong conditions, such as cerebral palsy or blindness. Some you can see, like someone using a wheelchair, while others are hidden, like chronic pain or neurological conditions.

Two women and a man smiling on blue boxes

But here's the important thing to know: Disability isn't just medical stuff. It's also about how society, the environment, and people's attitudes can either help or hinder someone with a disability. Sometimes, barriers and discrimination make it tough for them to fully join in with things like school, work, or getting around.

That's why Firstport was established, to help make it easier to find and access the thousands of awesome New Zealanders putting in the mahi to help make Aotearoa an accessible, supportive place.

Take a look through the Firstport site, if you have any questions we're not pointing you in the right direction to get the answer for yet, please let us know! Our contact details are always available at the bottom of the page.

In this section

How do I get disability support?

Disability Support Services

Explore funding through Disability Support Services.

Legal and rights

Support with discrimination or legal problems.


Learn what support you might be able to get from ACC after an accident or injury

Understanding different organisations

When you’re looking for support, you’ll see a whole lot of names for different organisation types. It can get confusing quickly. Read on to find out the differences,

Self assessment

Take a look at the free tools to understand yourself.

In an Emergency

Get prepared for an emergency.

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