Hou ki te hauātanga
About disability
Information and support if you're new to disability.
You might be here because you’re starting your disability journey, or you could be a family member or loved one wanting to know how disability works - You’ve come to the right place.
Firstport is your first port of call wherever you are on your disability journey in Aotearoa New Zealand. Whether you’re funded by the Government, wanting to self fund or wondering if disability is the right area to be looking at we are here for you.
In this section
What is disability?
New to the world of disability in Aotearoa New Zealand? We can help.
Disability Support Services
Explore whether you'll get funded through Disability Support Services.
What does ACC do?
If you've had an accident which has caused an injury or disability, you might be able to get support from ACC New Zealand
Choice and control
How you choose to engage with disability, be assessed, get support and access funding is your choice. Find out how you can take control of your disability journey.