Waka Transport
Help to get you where you want to go.
Find information about getting around your community and the country - whether that's on two, four, eight or no-wheels!
In this section
Public transport
Find out about accessible public transport
Free Health Transport
You may be able to use free transport to get to the hospital or other community appointments.
Mobility taxis and driving services
Find out about the different types of mobility taxis and driving services you can access and whether you may be eligible for a discount.
Support while flying
Find out about assistance available for flying as a disabled person
Mobility parking spaces and permits
If you have a mobility impairment you can apply for a mobility parking permit for your car.
Gaining your license
Learn the steps to gaining your learners, restricted or full drivers license.
Vehicle modifications
Find out what’s involved in a vehicle modification and how you might get funding
Funding for disability and health travel costs
Discover whats available for health and disability related travel costs.
Accessible Travel Agencies
There are lots of organisations in Aotearoa who focus on making going on adventures more accessible! Take a look!