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Discounted taxi fares

If you have an impairment that makes it hard for you to use public transport, you might be able to get discounted taxi fares.

Total Mobility card

A Total Mobility card gives you a 50 percent discount off taxi fares, up to a maximum amount per trip. The maximum subsidy varies between regions.

You can use your Total Mobility card with standard taxis, mobility taxis and other driving services that belong to the Total Mobility scheme.

Download the Total Mobility Around New Zealand guide from the Waka Kotahi website

How to apply

To apply for a card, you’ll need an assessment with a Total Mobility agency. You might need to pay a fee for the assessment or the ID card.

To find a Total Mobility Agency, search your regional council’s website, or contact any of these places:

  • The Total Mobility coordinator at your regional council.

  • A disability support agency, such as the Stroke Foundation or IDEA Services.

  • A disability information centre.

Visit the Department of Internal Affairs website to find your regional council

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Cerebral Palsy Society getOutThere transport subsidy

The Cerebral Palsy Society getOutThere programme helps fund part of the remaining fare of a transport company that is not covered by the Total Mobility scheme.

Programme members receive a e-card loaded with the approved funding for the period. The card can be topped up when the next funding round starts.

You can apply for the Society’s getOutThere programme if you:

  • are a current financial member of the Cerebral Palsy Society of NZ, and

  • belong to the Total Mobility scheme.

Visit the Cerebral Palsy Society website for getOutThere programme application details

Need help to apply for these schemes?

Your local disability information centre can help you apply for these schemes.

Find a disability information centre

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