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Wondering if you should take the plunge and speak to your doctor about seeking a diagnosis?

There are a number of free online tools available to help you dip your toe in the water of neurodiversity and neurological impairment. Navigating the system can be a challenge, so we've also included links to some amazing organisations who can help walk you through the assessment and diagnosis process. 

ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Although it has this name, there are many kinds and for some people, a 'deficit' of attention isn't their experience! The diagnosis for ADHD has changed in the last few years as research has meant it's now better understood. Particularly for those having ADHD as an adult. ADHD New Zealand estimate that over 5% of New Zealanders have ADHD. That's 280,000 people. 

Find out more about ADHD testing, getting an assessment and diagnosis in Aotearoa at ADHD New Zealand at this link (external link)
You can go straight to their ADHD test online, it's a pre-assessment self-screening tool here.  (external link)


It's been recognised that Asperger's is part of Autism spectrum, and that most people sit somewhere on this very wide spectrum. It could be worth exploring if you think you or your child  or teen might benefit from seeking an diagnosis. There a number of autism spectrum test providers, whatever your age and stage. 

Take a look at Autism NZ's guide to assessment for children here (external link)
They link to a digital pre-assessment Autism testing for children 11-30 months. 

Autism NZ also have a step-by-step guide for autism tests for adults considering assessment here (external link) . They link to an online Autism-Spectrum Quotient test too. 

FASD - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

There isn't an online tool for pre-assessment of FASD, but there is this guide to diagnosis and map of people who can do it on FASD CAN New Zealand's website at this link.  (external link)

ID- Intellectual Disability

Intellectual disability is a term used for a person with an IQ of 70 or less. It can impact people in different ways, you can learn more at IDEA Services website here (external link) .

To self-assess for IQ, Mensa New Zealand recommend taking a look at the online test linked here (external link)

Explore Hāpainga Ora run a national programme for neurodevelopmental assessment. You can find out more about getting assessed through this Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People funded organisation on their website here. (external link)  

Last updated on Friday, 9 August 2024

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