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Shape the future of Disability Support Services

The Disability Support Services (DSS) Taskforce is looking for your feedback on how disability support services can be best provided future.

November 8th, 2024

With a new organisation comes an opportunity for change. The Disability Support Services (DSS) Taskforce have put out a survey to hear what you think.

What kind of flexible funding do you think would work for our community? What do you know about support services that they might not be aware of?

DSS want to hear from our disability community, support people, suppliers of services and equipment. This is part of an ongoing effort to make sure these services are fair, sustainable, and meet the needs of disabled people in Aotearoa, New Zealand.

Download survey questions from the disability support services website

Why your feedback is important for our community

As we shared in August, the Government Independent Review findings saw a number of changes ahead for our disability community. They discovered key issues with how disability support services work and are keen to improve them.

Even if you’ve already shared your thoughts earlier this year, your input is still meaningful and important. It’s never too much to keep sharing.

Complete the survey online

What type of questions will the survey ask?

The survey will cover three main subjects that came out of the Independent review.

  1. Your ideas and advice on what changes are needed for the future – what improvements do you think should be made? What should the future of disability services look like?

  2. It will also cover flexible funding and eligibility – how can funding be used more to better meet people’s needs?

  3. There will be questions about Needs Assessments how your support is assigned and whether the process could be fairer or more transparent.

These topics come from the Independent Review and will help shape long term plans to improve disability services in New Zealand.

How can I share my thoughts:

Complete the survey online: It should be quick and easy and you can access the survey in different formats. Easy Read, NZSL videos, Braille or Large Print.

NZSL Submissions: If you want to submit your feedback in New Zealand Sign Language, email for a link to upload your video.

Your feedback will be used to help develop policy options, and further community consultations will happen in early 2025.

How long do I have to complete the survey?

You have until 5pm, 22 November 2024 to share your feedback.

Hearing your thoughts will help shape our disability support services. This is the first round of feedback sessions and More are in the works for early 2025.

Email Disability Support Services for more information or if you have questions

Visit the Disability Support Services new website

Stressed or confused by change? Find many disability support organisations out there ready to ensure you're ready to navigate change.

Check out our 'Get Support' section to discover one with the best fit for you

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