As your needs change, your home might need to as well. It could be adding things to or replacing things to your rental property or a home you own.
Home modifications include things like adding handrails by steps, shower or toilet; temporary wheelchair ramps; handheld showers; or security latches to doors and windows.
It could also include more structural changes which may require consent from the council or a landlord if you're renting like:
- doorway widening
- wet area bathrooms
- elevators (lifts) and permanent ramps
- secure fencing
- more robust wall boards and new room additions.
You could choose to make these changes yourself, or you could seek funding from Government or support organisations.
Find out what funding you might be eligible for to get modifications to your home on this page.
Visit the retailers section to find stores around New Zealand who sell minor home modification equipment you can purchase yourself.
Last updated on Wednesday, 27 March 2024