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World Down Syndrome Awareness Month

With us, not for us!

This year’s theme “With Us, Not For Us,” emphasises people with Down Syndrome’s right to make their own decisions.

On Monday 16th October, together with the New Zealand Down Syndrome Association, Firstport is hosting two events in the EASIE Living Centre. Session one is available online.

Session one: Exploring Supported Decision-Making

Time: 12 to 01:15 PM NZT

Explore who might want supported decision-making, how to make it happen and how choice and control align with the Enabling Good Lives Principles (EGL). Speakers are:

Erika Butters - Senior Advisor for The Personal Advocacy and Safeguarding Adults Trust
Peter Allen - Disabled Person and a Representative from Mid Central Regional Leadership Group for EGL.
Dr Carey-Ann Morrison - Family Member on the NEGL and Chief Executive of SAMS

Apryl Cadman (Legal Executive from Manawatu Community Law) will also be available to answer any questions regarding legal capacity at the end.

Join the Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 851 2228 3664 Passcode: 116094

Lunch break

1.15 pm-2.00 pm -This will be a chance to mingle over a light lunch provided courtesy of the NZDSA

Session Two: Working “With Us Not For Us”

This shows collection of good life stories demonstrating the importance of supported decision-making offline at EASIE Living.

Time: 2 to 3.30 PM NZT

You will hear from community members and whanau Vincenzo Vaccarino (Vinnie), Lily, Noah, and Isaac about what supported decision-making means to them. Some of these stories will be shared via video, others will be in person.

We will also hear what supported decision-making means to family members and professionals working within the Enabling Good Lives and legal systems.

You can sign up to other awesome conference events through on the New Zealand Down Syndrome Association website.

Take a look at the conference events by visiting New Zealand Down Syndrome Association website.

World down syndrome day 2023! With us not for us appears on the left. A pair of hands high five on the right

Can't make it to our hui? Here are a list of things you can do to celebrate World Down Syndrome Month.

Wear CRAZY socks to raise awareness

Did you know chromosomes are shaped like socks, and individuals with Down Syndrome have an extra chromosome? Wearing crazy and fun socks is one of the fun ways we celebrate World Down Syndrome Month.

Educate your co-workers, friends, and whānau

Don't be afraid to share your story. People still believe so many myths and misconceptions about Down syndrome. We highly recommend diving in and educating your close circle about Down syndrome.

New Zealand Down Syndrome Association has plenty of resources to support you.

Visit the New Zealand Down Syndrome Association

Get Social

Make it known that it is World Down Syndrome Month. Share with your followers what #WithUsNotForUs means for you.

NZDSA appears next to an interloping ribbon

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