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Take a look at these national organisations who can provide general disability support across Aotearoa New Zealand.

National Family Services Directory (external link) Managed by the Ministry of Social Development

Over 1014 local services to support kiwis.

CCS Disability Action (external link) A charity that provides support, advocacy and programmes

Mobility parking services, community development, foster caring, advisory services.

Children with Disability New Zealand (external link) A charity which aims to increase accessibility for kiwi kids

Accessible play equipment and advocates.

Disabled Persons Assembly  (external link) An organisation by the people working towards systemic change

Providing leadership, advocacy and monitoring.

Huria Trust (external link) A kaupapa Māori organisation 

Information and Advocacy, assessments, training and development.

Human Rights Commission  (external link) An institution that works to uphold the Human Rights Act

Advocates, advises, educates, informs, and supports the dignity of all human life.

IDEA Services (external link) A charity that provides support and services for people with intellectual disabilities

Residential care services, supported living, clinical support.

Le Va (external link)  Disability Support  (external link) An organisation that provides support and services for Pasifika people

Innovation funding, leadership, Pasifika information and resources.

Rare Disorders NZ (external link) An umbrella group for people with rare disorders

Advocates, patient support, connectors and research support.

Vaka Tautua (external link) A social services provider for Pacific disabled people

Information, advice, employment and training support.

The Health and Disability Commissioner (external link) An independent group who promotes health and disability rights Advocates on your behalf if you have a complaint or your rights haven't been respected.
Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People (external link) New Zealand's Ministry of Disabled People  Funds disability support services in Aotearoa
Your Way | Kia Roha  (external link) A charitable trust supporting disabled people Assessments, advice, support, equipment, funding, workshops and training.


Last updated on Tuesday, 4 June 2024

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