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There are groups, both public and private, that offer grants just for community providers. These funds help cover costs of equipment, training of staff, and activities geared towards boosting independence for people with disabilities.

Do you happen to know about any other community funding resources? Feel free to shoot us an email, and we'll make sure to add them to our list!

Community funding resources

Community Matters

Kowhaiwhai in black colours

Community matters offers a Community Organisation Grants Scheme (COGS) including lottery community funds. This scheme offers grants funded by the government to support volunteer and non-profit groups that do great work in our local communities and neighbourhoods!

Visit the COGS website and apply for the COGS. (external link)

Creative NZ

Creative NZ in black and gold writing

Creative NZ offers up to $20,000 funding opportunities for arts organisations and groups with a long-term vision or purpose. 

See Creative NZ funding options. (external link)

Community Trust South 

Community Trust South appears on a black background

Grants of up to $75,000 are available for projects, organisations, services and events that them to support thriving communities.

Community Trust South provide funding throughout the south of New Zealand covering follow the link for more info

Apply for a Community Trust South grant on their website (external link)



Aktive offers quality and cost-effective accounting services for the sports and active recreation sector. It also provides leveraged group buying power to reduce the costs of procurement. (This applies to Auckland-based not-for-profit sport and recreation organisations) 

Check out how Aktive might help you by visiting their website (external link)


Faiva Ora

Faiva Ora in dark blue and white writing appears at the centre top. Two men are standing in the back with three women knelt in the bottom. They appear on a blue background.

The Faiva Ora Community Innovation Fund allocates upto $10,000 to help Pasifika Community Groups that enhance community development, empower Pasifika disabled people, and ensure the further wellbeing of Pasifika people with disabilities.

Start your application on the Leva website. (external link)

Contact your council

Each city or district council has different funding schemes. Check out your council’s website and then talk to a funding advisor to find out what funding stream would best suit your purpose and criteria.

Find contact details for your local council (external link)

Contact a disability information centre

Disability information centres are experts on what’s available for disabled people in their community. They might also be able to help you with your application.

Find your nearest disability information centre 

Contact your public library

Public libraries have information about local and national organisations that make grants to individuals and groups. Look on your library’s website. You might get free access to funding databases such as givMe (see below).

Find a library near you (external link)

givMe: Online database of 4000+ grants

givMe is an online database with information about money available for:

  • education, research, and fellowships.
  • arts, cultural, and sporting activities.
  • professional or personal development.

Look for giveMe on your:

  • public library’s website.
  • school, polytech, wānanga or university library website.

If your library subscribes to givMe it should be free for you to use. You’ll need a library card number and PIN.

Visit the Generosity New Zealand website to see how givMe works.

More information about givMe (external link)


Givealittle is a website anyone can use to raise money for a specific cause or need. People have used Givealittle to raise money for things like medical treatment and travel costs for themselves, a family member or a friend.

Find out more about Givealittle (external link)

Last updated on Monday, 8 July 2024

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