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Video transcripts

Transcript for videos Firstport have published.

Available video transcripts

Welcome to Firstport

Find out everything you need to know about disability in New Zealand on this national website. Firstport is your one-stop shop for information, support and advice for disabled people, their family/whanau and carers.

Transcript of 'Welcome to Firstport' video

Funding for people who are deaf or have hearing loss

Government funding is available for people who are Deaf or have hearing loss to help you communicate and live safely.

Transcript of 'Funding for people who are Deaf or have hearing loss' video

Funding for people with visual impairments

Financial help, equipment and support services provided by the government for people who are blind or have visual impairments.

Transcript of 'Funding for people with visual impairments' video

What's a disability information centre?

The centres work collaboratively to influence positive change and community growth across New Zealand.

Transcript of 'What's a disability information centre?' video

When your child becomes paraplegic

Lara and Hayden Heta share their experience of finding out their 7 year-old daughter had become paraplegic.

Transcript of 'When your child becomes paraplegic' video

Refusing to be seen as disabled

10 year-old Harper became paraplegic nearly 3 years ago after a gymnastics move went wrong.

Transcript of 'Refusing to be seen as disabled' video

When your legs stop working overnight

Chelsea talks about how her life has changed after waking up one night to find her legs not working.

Transcript of 'When your legs stop working overnight' video

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