How to connect with other carers
Ideas and advice for carers of disabled people who want to connect with other carers.
Being a carer for a disabled person can be an isolating experience, which is why it is important to take time to connect with other people. Connecting with other carers can be especially helpful as they can relate to your experience and provide support and advice.
If you want to connect with other carers, but are not sure where to start, here are some ideas.
Host a carer meet up
One way to connect with other carers in your area is to host a meet up. A meet up can be whatever you’d like it to be, and they can be held anywhere. Carers New Zealand have put together a toolkit to help people organise fun, informative get togethers for family, whānau, and aiga carers.
Download the Carer Meet Ups Toolkit from the Carers New Zealand website (PDF, 519KB, 20 pages)
Online groups
Online groups, such as message boards and Facebook groups, can be great ways to connect with other carers as they are low pressure, bring people together from all over the country (or world), and you can drop in and out of them whenever suits you.
Here are some Facebook groups you might like to check out:
Autism in New Zealand (Parents and Carers)
A networking and sharing group for parents and caregivers of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Go to the Autism in New Zealand (Parents and Carers) Facebook group
Cerebral Palsy Kids of NZ
A group for parents of children with Cerebral Palsy in New Zealand.
Go to the Cerebral Palsy Kids of NZ Facebook group
Dementia supporters and carers group NZ/AUS
A group for people caring or supporting people with dementia.
Go to the Dementia supporters and carers group NZ/AUS Facebook group
Disability Connections New Zealand
A platform for members of the New Zealand disability community to connect with each other, share ideas and information, and offer or ask for support.
Go to the Disabiltiy Connections New Zealand Facebook group
New Zealand Group for Parents of Children with Down Syndrome
A group for parents of children with Down Syndrome where they can connect, share, and ask questions.
Go to the New Zealand Group for Parents of Children with Down Syndrome Facebook group
Parents/Caregivers of Kids with Intellectual Disabilities
A group for parents and caregivers of children with intellectual disabilities.
Go to the Parents/Caregivers of Kids with Intellectual Disabilities Facebook group
NZ Brain Injury Support Network
A support network for people with brain injuries and their families.
Go to the NZ Brain Injury Support Network Facebook group
You can also find other support groups by searching on Facebook.
Contact your local Disability Information Centre
You may also want to get in touch with your local Disability Information Centre to see if they can help you connect with other carers. There are 25 different Disability Information Centres throughout New Zealand that provide personalised support to make your life easier.
Search Firstport’s Disability Information Centre database