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Prethoughts:What I'm expecting

As I get ready to try out the PlayStation Access controller, I’m feeling a mix of curiosity and excitement.

This controller doesn’t look like anything I’ve seen before, and I can’t help but think it’s going to offer a completely different way to game.

Here’s what I’m expecting, along with a few things I’ll be keeping an eye on as I dive in.

A fresh design...The first thing that grabbed my attention is the unique, circular design. It’s not just about looking cool—this shape hints at a whole new approach to gaming.

Unlike the usual controllers you hold in your hands, this one seems designed to sit on a flat surface. I reckon this is going to change how we play in a big way. It reminds me a bit of those old-school arcade setups, with big buttons and a joystick-like vibe.

I’m hoping it brings back some of that arcade feel while also offering a modern, accessible gaming experience.

Set-up and Customisation: What I'm hoping for...When I first saw the PlayStation Access controller, I didn’t realise how customisable it was.

At first glance, it looked like it was just set in one way, but then I noticed you can swap out buttons and set it up how you like. This is both exciting and a bit overwhelming. I’m hoping the set-up process is straightforward, so I can get it sorted without too much faffing about.

How It’ll feel to play: Comfort and accessibility...One of the big things I’m going to be paying attention to is how comfortable this controller is during long gaming sessions.

Regular controllers can cause a bit of hand fatigue after a while, so I’m curious to see if this new design helps with that. I’m also expecting the buttons to be softer and easier to press compared to traditional controllers.

This could be a game-changer for reducing strain during extended play. I’ll be watching to see if the symmetrical layout of the buttons makes gaming more intuitive or if it’ll take some getting used to.

Compatibility and connectivity: What i'll be looking out for... These days, it’s super handy if a controller can work across different platforms.

I’ll be interested to see how the PlayStation Access controller performs on systems other than the PS5, like on a Windows PC. Cross-platform compatibility can be a bit hit or miss, so I’m cautiously optimistic. It’d be a shame if a great controller was held back by limited compatibility.

I usually game with a wired controller, so I’m not too fussed about wireless features. Bluetooth was a necessary sacrifice for gaming, so Bluetooth is not available for me on my PC, you see. But I’ll still be keeping an eye on how the wired connection holds up in terms of responsiveness and reliability.

Looks and Feels: Is it just about functionality? While how it works is the main thing, I can’t ignore how the PlayStation Access controller looks. It’s got a fun, almost playful design that I’m keen to see in action.

I’m not too worried about LEDs or fancy lights unless they help in multiplayer sessions, but I’m still curious about how the controller’s overall look and feel contribute to the gaming experience.

Wrapping up before I explore...As I gear up to test the PlayStation Access controller, I’ve got high hopes.

I’m looking forward to seeing how this innovative design plays out in real-world gaming and whether it really does make gaming more accessible.

There’s a lot I’m still unsure about—how easy it’ll be to set up, whether it’ll help with hand fatigue, and if it’ll live up to the buzz of being a versatile, accessible controller.

But whatever happens, I’m excited to see what this controller brings to the table and how it might just change the way we think about gaming gear. Bring it on!