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Published 21 October 2024

As the new Disability Support Services establishes itself, you'll start to see the acronym 'DSS' popping up across the motu (country).

We shared in August that the Government's Independent Review findings saw a number of changes ahead for our disability community.

Changes ahead for our Disability Ministry » Firstport

This newly formed services 'Disability Support Services' or 'DSS' for short, is the new place where the 'operations' side of disability services will be managed in New Zealand. 

What has DSS been up to in the last month?

The DSS has been taking shape over the last few weeks as the new team make decisions on how everything will work together.  They have started to meet with some disability groups and hear feedback on what the Independent Review found. 

The DSS Policy Team have also started work on what changes may be needed from those findings and feedback. This includes looking at eligibility and what guidance is required to improve fairness in the system and prioritise disability funding to reach those with the highest needs. 

What does DSS 'taking shape' look like?

First out the gate, they're making sure that they're set up well. This includes setting up arrangements with the Ministry of Social Development (MSD), which they operate as part of. It also includes setting up other agreements with organisations they'll work closely with like Ministry of Health and Health New Zealand.

Like moving into a new house, they need to make sure they've got the power and water set up before they can start cooking. 

To start the ball rolling on the key issues people have raised, they have been looking at the flexible funding criteria and guidelines. Their goal is to improve fairness in the system, prioritise disability funding to reach those with the highest needs and ensure the system is sustainable. They have also started looking at reporting and performance guidelines for those who deliver services to our community on behalf of DSS.   

What's ahead for DSS?

The DSS team have promised to provide regular updates to our community as they start to build their work programme. This work programme will be the projects and plans that they want to focus on for the next year. The bits of work that are most urgent for our community and the ones that will have the biggest difference. 

They will do this through a newsletter which you'll be able to sign up for on their website. The website will launch this Thursday 25 October, so if you're reading this on the 24th, you can check it out:  (external link)

What will be on the website?

They'll share how they plan to meet with and hear from our community. Hearing your voice and those who don't always get a change to be heard will be particularly important as they plan their work programme. 

The website will also include the opportunities you have ahead to be part of their mahi (work) and the dates that things will happen by. 

Stressed or confused by change? Find many disability support organisations out there ready to ensure you're ready to navigate change. Check out our 'Get Support' section to discover one with the best fit for you. 

Get support » Firstport