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Published 16 May 2024

Our Government-appointed independent protector of disability rights wants to know if the rights of our disability community are working. Have your say on the Code of Rights.

New Zealand's Health and Disability Commissioner, Morag McDowell, has led the commission team since 2020 to promote and protect the rights of people using health and disability services.

The Health and Disability Commissioner Act says what the commission can do and how they can sort out complaints. 

The Code of 'Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights' is the regulation which the team follow. It sets out 10 rights which our community should always have in Aotearoa New Zealand. These rights include the right to be treated with respect, to be free from discrimination or exploitation, to dignity and independence, to services of an appropriate standard, to give informed consent, and to complain.

What's happening now?

Every few years independent commissioners will review the codes and the Act's that give them power to do things. They want to make sure they both work for the people they're there to support. 

They want to hear what you think.

Head to the consultation site here (external link)

You have until the July 31 2024 to share your answers to questions and thoughts on how things could be better. 

Read the consultation documents in accessible formats, including braille and will soon include Easy Read. They cover five topics which could help make the Act and the Code more effective for you. 

Find the Consultation documents linked here  (external link)

What will happen after that?

The Commission will take your feedback and look at what everyone else has said too. They'll then see what are common things people are saying and share them with the Minister of Health. This will help the Minister decide what changes should be made to the Code and the Act. They'll share it all with the Government to take these changes forward. 

The Commission will also use your feedback to find out where they could do things better.