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Start: 7:00 pm, Wednesday 21 February 2024

End: 10:30 pm, Wednesday 21 February 2024

Website: More information and tickets here.

Brit, their star model, is mixed race and hates his job (but everybody’s gotta make a living, right?).

A wrench is thrown into Brit's life when new hire Ryan joins the company. Ryan is charming, he’s attractive, and... he’s white. This new rom-com romps through the politics of passing, queerness and what it’s like to fall for someone you really shouldn't (oh yeah, there's that other problem: Brit already has a boyfriend).

The Perfect Image is a new queer rom-com by award-winning playwright Sam Brooks (Riding in Cars with [Mostly Straight] Boys, Burn Her). Starring Sean Rivera, Mark Chayanat Whittet, Michael Hockey and Amelia Reynolds.

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New Zealand Sign Language performance


23 Minnie Street, Eden Terrace, Auckland 1021


From $20