Start: 5:00 pm, Saturday 1 July 2023
End: 9:00 pm, Wednesday 26 July 2023
Website: Celebrate Matariki ki Waikato
The Matariki ki Waikato (MKW) festival celebrations see in our Maaori new year with events that collectively aspire to create a more prosperous future for our communities. We commence with a dawn ceremony that commemorates the birth date of King Koroki and continue with Kaupapa Maaori events that span across the arts, music, hauora, taiao and education. We acknowledge the bounty of the Waikato rohe, including our Kiingitanga, histories, whenua, and peoples.
E whakawhiti atu ai it te koopu mania o kirirkiriroa me oona maara kai, te ngaawhaa whakatupu ake o te whenua moomona.
Tirama Mai is proudly produced by Christchurch City Council. A huge thanks to our partners - The Hits, Dark Sky Project, Christchurch Airport, Ministry for Culture and Heritage, The Crowne Plaza and Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.
14 Garden Place, CBD, Hamilton 3204