If you're an adult with a learning disability or family of someone with one, come along and hear more about what being a People First member is all about.
They run monthly meetings, including morning tea, to support and advocate for our community.
Who are People First?
People First New Zealand are run by and for people with learning disability.
They work on encouraging people with learning disability to speak up about what matters in their lives.
People First run self-advocacy groups and have a range of services that encourage a more inclusive society for people with learning disability.
Their services are for people with learning disability, their family and whānau, and supporters, as well as organisations committed to hearing the voice of people with learning disability and ensuring their information is inclusive.
St Pauls Presbyterian Church
89 Tennyson Street
Free (includes morning tea)
Contact Susie Chapman 027 283 9701
or Region Coordinator Elizabeth Bennett elizabethbennett@peoplefirst.org.nz