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How do we make Firstport sound, look and feel fully EGL? By working with you! 

Two parents behind a child taking a selfie together with the words 'Easy to use' above

We're on a mission, every day, to make Firstport the most Enabling Good Lives (EGL) centered information and advice website you could possibly imagine. 

To do that, we've got to hear from you and work with you. And we are. Over the last year, the Firstport team have been eagerly reaching out with a single focus - getting your input on how Firstport can enable good lives across Aotearoa New Zealand. 

We've connected with local council Disability advisory groups, shared our story through presentations across the motu (country), and shown up to places we thought we might find you ready to share and advise. 

Help our navigation and be in to win!

If you’ve chatted to our team over the last few months, you would have heard us mention we’re exploring improving how you navigate this site. 

If you have a free 5-10 minutes today, please do our quick survey. Not only will you be helping us out a lot, you can also go in the draw to win one of three $100 Prezee cards.

A few minutes of your input today could help thousands of our disability community discover the wealth of advice and information waiting for them to find. 

Link to the Firstport navigation survey (external link)

Check out the T's & C's

What happens next?

We'll take all the data with your recommendations, merge them together, and find the most common pathways. In this way, we'll be able to discover the most important tasks the most people find useful. We'll also have a better view of how many clicks are too many clicks, what you want to see quickly, and what you don't mind taking your time to get to. 

Entered the survey and want to do more?

We're always exploring new ways to continuously improve Firstport. Check out our feedback page to play your part. 

A young lady in pink on the phone surrounded by bubbles saying, Sounds like us, Looks like us, Acts like us, Includes all of us.

Sign up to our monthly newsletter  (external link)

Related info

Enabling Good Lives

Discover Enabling Good Lives, the principles we want to live by in disability in New Zealand.

About Firstport

What is Firstport and who keeps it ticking?

Last updated on Thursday, 18 July 2024

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