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Help disabled people and their whanau and friends discover accessible places by listing a venue for free in the Accessible Places library.

Complete the application form below, we’ll review your application and, if we have everything we need, list your venue in the library.

If you need help or have any questions, please contact us.

Note: Please submit photos of your accessible features. For example, if you select 'mobility parking', attach a photo of your parking space(s).

Once your listing has been published, we’ll let you know!

Provide an eye-catching image of your venue for your listing.

Accessibility features (required)
Photos of accessibility features (at least one photo is required)

Photos must have been taken in the last 12 months.

How can we contact you?

By clicking "Submit", you agree to the terms and conditions below.

Terms and conditions

  • All listings will be reviewed and moderated before publishing
  • We reserve the right to edit information provided to ensure it fits in with our listings template
  • Photos or evidence of accessibility features need to be submitted along with your listing request. Where evidence cannot be provided that feature will not be included on your listing
  • Your venue must be in New Zealand
  • Photos must have been taken within the last 12 months
  • We reserve the right to suspend your listing should we receive reviews that contradict the accessibility claims in your listing. We will work with you to pass on feedback from the disability community and reinstate your listing once issues have been resolved
  • By submitting your listing request, you provide Enable New Zealand (and our Firstport brand) with permission to use your text and photographs in our promotional materials including printed, social media, video production and website.
  • If details about your accessibility features change, you will inform us so we can update your listing
  • We will send your venue a promotional pack via post which includes materials you can use to promote the library to your visitors
  • Any information you provide to us will be held in accordance with our Privacy Policy

What the library is and how it works

The Accessible Places library lists venues and activities that provide accessible features such as wheelchair access, mobility parking, accessible toilets and sensory sessions. The search feature allows disabled customers to find places to visit that cater to their unique needs.

With 1 in 4 New Zealanders living with some kind of disability, this is a big market share to reach out to.

Users can search the library by:

  • Type of accessible features (physical & sensory)
  • Type of venue (e.g. museum, park, paid attraction)
  • Location within New Zealand
  • Keyword search

Users can submit positive reviews of the accessibility of venues and activities listed in the library, helping to champion the provisions that businesses are making to ensure their spaces are accessible to all.

By listing your accessible venue in the library, you’re not only promoting your business to more people, you’re also helping make it easier for disabled New Zealanders to plan an awesome day out.

Why accessibility is important

By operating an accessible venue you’re helping ensure disabled people have the opportunity to enjoy what you have to offer. Take a look at our video where Susan Evans' share her nomination for the library and what its accessible features mean for her.

Last updated on Monday, 3 June 2024