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The Big Connect is back! You do not want to miss New Zealand's biggest Down syndrome video call on Thursday, 21st March 2024, at 7.30pm
For people with Down syndrome and intellectual disabilities, stereotypes can stop them from being treated like other people. They get treated like children, underestimated and excluded. In the worst-case scenarios, they are sometimes poorly treated or even abused.
That is why this year's World Down Syndrome Day theme is "End The Stereotypes". Down Syndrome International defines a stereotype as "a set idea that people have about what someone or something is like. Stereotypes can be positive, negative or neutral, but they are often inaccurate or simply wrong! Stereotypes are often based on limited information or personal experience. They can be reinforced by the way something is represented in the media or by cultural messages. Once formed, a stereotype can be difficult to change."
While our community is spread throughout all corners of Aotearoa and unable to connect in person, we believe The Big Connect will be a great way to celebrate our community, identify ways to end the stereotypes and ensure we are all together to celebrate World Down syndrome Day.
We will share lots of information leading up to the big event, so keep your eye out for more details.



