Start: 8:00 pm, Saturday 16 December 2023
End: 10:30 pm, Sunday 21 January 2024

Get ready for an awesome season of FOL with our lights and entertainment programme now live!
Parking & Getting Around the Park
If you, or a friend or family member have limited mobility, this is your guide to ensure everyone can enjoy the festival experience.
Accessible/limited mobility car parking is located along Fillis Street and at TSB Stadium. See the festival map here (external link) (external link) for more details.
The light trail has a steep gradient in parts which could prove difficult to navigate for those in wheelchairs or with limited mobility. The festival map identifies all paths and steep gradients. Access to all of the light installations is possible if you have assistance, which can be provided free in a variety of ways – see below to identify what would be best for you.
Pukekura Park in the heart of New Plymouth
phone Taranaki Disability Information Centre 022 166 8720 or email