Start: 1:00 pm, Monday 19 June 2023
End: 1:00 pm, Friday 23 June 2023
Website: Check out ACC assessors’ online hub and webinar sessions
Learn about Enable New Zealand's Clinical Advisory Services team and what they do by joining them online this June.
The team are running three 30-minute Assessor interactive webinars where you can learn more about our service and ask any questions.
Register for the interactive online webinar which works best for you at one of the links below.
Monday 19 June at 3 pm meeting (external link)
Wednesday 21 June at 1pm meeting (external link)
Friday 23 June at 10am meeting (external link)
Please note the sessions will be run through Microsoft Teams. If you have Teams already installed on your device, it will direct you to the app.
Please join online through a desktop computer if you would like to take part without installing Teams on your device.
Microsoft teams hui
If you have any questions, contact