Families living with disability or with an ageing family member are looking for more information, advice and products to assist their loved ones to make more of each day. Our EASIE Living Retail Store and Demonstration Centre delivers just that.
Our flagship centre offers an exciting and innovative accessible home with smart features alongside a learning and demonstration centre, and brings together a range of possibilities and opportunities in a one stop shop that the community can share. The retail space within the Centre stocks a large selection of mobility equipment and aids for daily living to help you in your everyday life. Our staff will be available to assist you with the many choices available.
The Centre is open six days a week.
Contact details
Telephone: (06) 353 2743
Email: enquiries@easieliving.co.nz
Website: https://www.easieliving.co.nz/
585 Main Street, Palmerston North, 4410